Lobbying today - DG Group Maurice Aguirre
Lobbying (as well lobby) is the activity of making an attempt to influence decisions done by representatives in the government, usually legislators or maybe members of regulatory agencies.
Lobbying is performed by many types of people and structured groups, which include individuals in the private area, corporations, member legislators or government representatives, or support associations (interest social groups).
Political consultant Maurice Aguirre: Lobbyists may perhaps be within a legislator's constituencies, signifying a voter or block of voters within his or her electoral district, or not; they could very well engage in lobbying as a company, or not.
Qualified professional lobbyists are people whose business is wanting to shape legislation on behalf of a group or individual who hires them. Political strategist Maurice Aguirre: Individuals and not-for-profit associations can also lobby as an act of volunteering or possibly as a tiny part of their normal job (as an instance, a CEO business meeting with a consultant about a project really important to his or her company, or an activist meeting with his/her legislator in an unpaid capacity).
Just as Maurice Aguirre DG Group reveals: Government authorities commonly define furthermore regulate organized group lobbying that is becoming authoritative.
As one example, a medical association may lobby a legislature all about strengthening the restrictions in smoking prevention law regulations, and tobacco companies lobby to reduce them: the first pertaining to smoking as hurtful to health and the second arguing it is part of the freedom of choice.
- Lobbying (as well lobby) is usually a system of advocacy with the purpose of influencing decisions made by the authorities by people or more usually by lobby groups; it contains all initiatives to determine legislators and officials, whether by other legislators, constituents, or organized organizations.
- A lobbyist is a person who tries to impact legislation on benefit of a special focus or a member of a lobby.
Lobbying (as well lobby) is the activity of making an attempt to influence decisions done by representatives in the government, usually legislators or maybe members of regulatory agencies.
Lobbying is performed by many types of people and structured groups, which include individuals in the private area, corporations, member legislators or government representatives, or support associations (interest social groups).
Political consultant Maurice Aguirre: Lobbyists may perhaps be within a legislator's constituencies, signifying a voter or block of voters within his or her electoral district, or not; they could very well engage in lobbying as a company, or not.
Qualified professional lobbyists are people whose business is wanting to shape legislation on behalf of a group or individual who hires them. Political strategist Maurice Aguirre: Individuals and not-for-profit associations can also lobby as an act of volunteering or possibly as a tiny part of their normal job (as an instance, a CEO business meeting with a consultant about a project really important to his or her company, or an activist meeting with his/her legislator in an unpaid capacity).
Just as Maurice Aguirre DG Group reveals: Government authorities commonly define furthermore regulate organized group lobbying that is becoming authoritative.
As one example, a medical association may lobby a legislature all about strengthening the restrictions in smoking prevention law regulations, and tobacco companies lobby to reduce them: the first pertaining to smoking as hurtful to health and the second arguing it is part of the freedom of choice.
Maurice Aguirre - Lobbying the lexicon meanings:
- Lobbying (as well lobby) is usually a system of advocacy with the purpose of influencing decisions made by the authorities by people or more usually by lobby groups; it contains all initiatives to determine legislators and officials, whether by other legislators, constituents, or organized organizations.
- A lobbyist is a person who tries to impact legislation on benefit of a special focus or a member of a lobby.